Unloved genetic engineering

Blair leans surprisingly the public prere of the critics; Documents show that the British government in terms "Frankenstein Food" was put under prere from the US government

In the run-up to an OECD conference on the safety of genuine food (a global organization for the control of biotechnology required), the British Prime Minister Tony Blair has a surprising turnaround in terms "Frankenstein Food" completed. Last year, he turned against the popular criticism of genetic engineering and acquainted in the United Kingdom, that he was happy and without concern to eating foods (Blair loves Genfood). But the mood in the country seems to speak against the attempt Blairs to let GeNbitahn in the future industries not to be influenced.

In an independent article, Blair on Sunday, that genuarescent foods could harm human health and the environment and that the concerns were entitled to the possibility of the potential risks. Although the potential benefits of genetic engineering as in medicine be considerable, his government was not unconditionally demanded: "The crucial word in terms of risks and opportunities is potentially. The potential for opportunities highlights why we were right, not the ture before gentleman foods or cereals without prior research. The potential for risks shows why we are right in fact very careful. And that’s exactly what we do."

Blair continued to promise that in the UK no foods will be launched, which have not previously been reviewed with the world’s strictest controls. No growing permits have also been granted as long as there is insufficient confirmations that gene-changed crops have no negative impact on the environment.

In Great Britain, many food chains do not sell any products in which genuine ingredients are included. The resistance to genuarescent crops is so rough in the UK that the seed companies do not even enjoy British farmers to carry out the approved experimental outcases. Four years of experimental implantations on 75 fields were necessary to "prove", that the genesome plants do not have a negative impact on the environment. A success for the opponents of genetic engineering also celebrated Greenpeace this weekend. Before the Kuste of Anglesey in North Wales, six activists had the freighter "Iolcos Grace" Hindered on Friday at the onward journey by chaining on the freighter. The ship should be up to 60.000 tonnes of gene-manipulated soy loaded.

Further unsuccessful but will also cause insights for the British government who published the Guardian today. The newspaper has come to the possession of secret documents due to the American Freedom of Information Act, which revealed that the EU summit Tony Blair in May of the last year, shortly before his offensive for genetic engineering, massif from the American government under Prere was set. Prasident Clinton shared Blair, who then held the EU Prasidistry, with that the slow authorization process for gene organism of the EU has already cost US exporters hundreds of millions of dollars: "In the spirit of growing EU US cooperation, we ask the EU to ensure that these products are quickly reviewed." Similar complaints, Jacques Santer and other politicians went to the former EU Commission Chairman.

Not only the authorization procedures were in the criticism of the US government, but also the tarpaulins, foods in which components of genes of genes are included: "The USA does not recognize a product only because it was made genetically engineered. An obligation to label GMOS should be based on valid scientific findings." Even the next day, the EU has made a proposal under the British Prasidens not further pursuing the plan to provide food with the indicator that they contain genuarent components. The British government proposed sharing the products with labeling obligation. So far, she had scored to have confessed in this case under the prere of the United States. The documents will, as Guardian Ironically, is held under the Freedom of Information Law of the Minister of Interior Jack Straw until 2029.