Fruit flies in the flight simulator

Memories of a fruit fly studied in the laboratory

The fruit fly can recognize patterns and remember them. Neuroscientists at the University of Wurzburg have now discovered where this process takes place in the brain and which nerve cells are involved in it.

Drosophila melanogaster has a visual memory. It recognizes patterns and can remember them by analyzing them on the basis of five different parameters. Like humans, fruit flies are able to recognize optical impressions even if they appear in a completely different place in the field of vision. Using genetically modified fruit fly strains, researchers at the Biocenter in Wurzburg, Germany, have now discovered the neuron groups involved in remembering two of these parameters. In the current ie of Nature (Vol. 439, no. 7076 from 2.2.2006) they report.

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Brussels: pkk is no longer a terrorist organization, but a warring party

Brussel: pkk is no longer a terrorist organization, but a war party

Image: Kurdish Struggle/CC BY-2.0

This could open the way for a new peace process in the Kurdish question – if other European governments also follow the ruling

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK is not a "terrorist organization", but a party in an armed conflict. This was the final verdict of the Court of Cassation in Brussels on Tuesday, confirming the decision of the Court of Appeal in March 2019. The Court of Cassation is the supreme court of Belgium and thus the last instance in civil and criminal proceedings.

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Germans seem to be in favor of the jamaica coalition

Germans seem to favor jamaika coalition

In Austria, most people want an oVP-FPo coalition, which in Germany would be the equivalent of a coalition between the Union and AfD parties

In osterreich there was allowed to be a slide to the right over the weekend. According to the last poll, the FPo nor the oVP resp. catch up or overtake the Kurz party. SPo seems to have regained its footing after the scandal, but remains in third place with SPD-like scores of 23 percent, which would make a governing coalition with FPo difficult.

The majority believe that Kurz will win the election, and at 40 percent, most want an oVP-FPo coalition. Only 18 percent support a "Dirndl coalition" the oVP with the defeated Grunen and Neos, 17 percent were in favor of repeating the rough oVP-SPo coalition. But they are open fronts. The SPo, Grune and FPo have just voted against the oVP in favor of reforming unemployment assistance so that the partner’s income is no longer taken into account. There is general agreement between the red-blue-green coalition. The old left-right worldviews are increasingly faltering.

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Death of an unemployed man

The poverty of the unemployed is not an isolated case

After it became known a few days ago that an unemployed man died of starvation in his apartment in Speyer, Germany, the consternation has been. A 20 year old man, who lived with his 48 year old mother, died of malfunction of important organs caused by malnutrition. His mother is under medical treatment for malnutrition-related illnesses.

According to their information, the young man had been cared for by the social welfare office before the introduction of Hartz IV as part of a rehabilitation measure. This ended when the labor market reforms came into effect. The man was classified as able to work, had to apply for unemployment benefit II and was henceforth subjected to the system of demanding and demanding, which had been buried by the proponents of Hartz IV as a gain of personal responsibility and initiative. The death in Speyer showed once again what can happen to people who are unable to keep up with the competition of the fit, flexible and creative.

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It gets dark

The story of the stars

Astronomers are delving deeper and deeper into the depths of space, and the data they collect is revealing more and more about the formation, growth and decay of stars. Now it appears that the peak of stellar births was reached five billion years ago. And it becomes darker and darker in the cosmos.

It is getting dark

Cat’s Paw Nebula, NGC 6334, a complex region of newly forming stars in the constellation Scorpio, Image: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

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Theater 2.0

Berlin group searches the web for authors for a production

Web 2.0 meets play. This experiment, which is probably unique in Germany so far, is currently being tried by a Berlin theater group with the significant name Antigone 2.0. With a project in which everyone can participate via the net. The basis of the planned production is provided by Sophocles’ tragedy "Konig odipus", which is now to be edited, rewritten or expanded by interested parties on this site. According to the preserved Wikipedia principle. Registration is not required, by the way. And what will come out of it, of course, is still completely uncertain.

According to a press release, "It remains to be seen whether only the old language or also parts of the plot will be given a new face". Director Benedict Roeser’s concept revolves around the critical examination of knowledge. odipus, who uncovers his own misfortune through persistent research, is juxtaposed with the current practice of acquiring knowledge, which is changing at an accelerating pace through Internet services such as Wikipedia."

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Are europe and north america entering menopause?

Summer heatwaves like 2003 are expected to become much more frequent toward the end of the century

In the current ie of the scientific journal Science, U.S. researchers publish a study according to which in the future increasingly intense and frequent periods of heat are to be expected both in Europe and in North America.

Geral’s A. Meehl and Claudia Tebaldi of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder examined climate data collected since 1961 to model future heat waves. They see clear signs of global climate change and note that, if greenhouse gas emissions remain constant in the 21st century, there will be no global warming. It is clear that in the twenty-first century there will be more intense and prolonged episodes of floatation in the regions of Europe and North America that were not accustomed to such heat shocks in the past.

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If the drought continues, a summer of drought is imminent

If the drought continues, a drought summer threatens

Durresommer 2018; Bild: Andreas Schwarzkopf/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Commentary: How weather speculations become obsolete and play into the hands of the climate change deniers

"Threat of a new summer of drought?" At least the Tagesschau had put a question mark here. The Bild newspaper spared itself this and announced ominously: "Summer 2019 – Germany faces a new heat record". Many other media outlets had published similar articles in late April, quickly making the connection between climate change and the threat of drought in 2019.

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The wind is changing

The wind is turning

After a week, the uproar over the actor’s #allesdichtmachen action has died down, the public debate is changing. A media commentary

The latest reactions to the actor action #allesdichtmachen show: quick emporia are followed by understanding and growing approval. More and more filmmakers in particular are showing solidarity with the actors, who are often attacked in an extremely rude manner on social networks, and are defending, if not the action itself, then the freedom of expression and integrity of those involved, including Jan Josef Liefers, Meret Becker, Wotan Wilke Mohring, Heike Makatsch, Ulrich Tukur, Ulrike Folkerts and Hanns Zischler.

Especially two reactions of the last days stand out: One was a commentary by the highly influential German producer Nico Hofmann in the Bild newspaper: "Absolutely indisputable", according to Hofmann, be "Broadcasting Council, who are now calling for occupational bans or death threats (…) a hate orgy (…) I think this is completely out of line and I also oppose it." to attack discourse participants in this way, "does not work at all. And certainly not in the democratic composite system".

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Spinach or worse: veganism as a cresting

About the disappearance of the flour dishes

For a good week, a choice program of the Grunen Spates has been creating a view: the demand that public canteens as "Pioneer" on Thursdays only "Vegetarian or vegan" To offer food. On this proposal, it is down that you do not traditionally meat-free Friday as "Veggie Day" choice. Or Wednesday, the strictly belonging Catholics also considered fasting.

The official fundamentation for that the party remains guilty. A possible explanation of goods that the burgers do not want to draw very attention to the similarities to the Catholic Church, which in their dominion the meat banned on Friday long consistently asserted. That has only been changed since the 1960s. By the table, the ban is not yet: Credit Catholics are still stopped to give up something for this weekdays, which causes them pleasure.

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