Secret us camp in jordan

According to information, high-ranking al-Qaeda members are being held in a CIA camp in Jordan

The human rights organization Human Rights Watch has accused the U.S. government in a report of making political opponents disappear, just as Latin American military dictatorships do. Namely, 11 al-Qaida affiliates are known to be in U.S. custody, but there is no indication of where they are being held in the U.S. camp system, which is scattered around the world, or how they are being treated. According to the report of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, such a secret camp is supposed to be located in Jordan, as has been suspected for a long time.

Human Rights Watch’s report on U.S. disappearances "Disappearances" back into history. It refers to practices in Nazi Germany, but above all to the practice of military dictatorships in Latin America, partly supported by the United States, which kidnapped, secretly tortured and killed political opponents – and also justified themselves because they were fighting terrorists.

Conducted by force "Disappearance" is, according to the human rights organization, one of the most serious crimes under international law. According to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, to which, however, the U.S. has not acceded, systematic "disappearences" constitute a crime against humanity. Under the Geneva Conventions, the International Committee of the Red Cross must be given access to all detainees. Solitary confinement in unknown locations is prohibited by treaties under international law.

At Abu Ghraib, the CIA, which was given different "other rules" in dealing with suspected terrorists, hiding prisoners from the Red Cross. That there are such "Ghost prisoner" The Pentagon has now acknowledged that there were detainees who were not officially registered anywhere and were therefore held in an absolute legal no-man’s land. However, information about the whereabouts and treatment of many prisoners continues to be withheld. Disappearance of detainees is often the first step to torture. Human Rirghts Watch also points to much information suggesting that detainees are being mistreated. This has also become more credible after Abu Ghraib. Human Rights Watch calls on the U.S. government to give the Red Cross access to all detainees held on terrorism charges and to bring them before a proper court of law.

The CIA, according to information obtained by Haaretz from "international intelligence sources" a secret camp in Jordan where at least 11 senior al-Qaida members are being held, including some mentioned by name in the Humand Rights Watch report. Haaretz’s whistleblowers are said to be involved in al-Qaida surveillance and also in the interrogation of prisoners. Most of the prisoners were initially held in Afghanistan or were then sent to Guantanamo. Some al-Qaida members were initially imprisoned in Pakistan, where they were arrested, and then sent to Jordan, they said.

However, the informants apparently did not say where the prisoners were being held. Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Ramsi Binalshibh, statements by the two that may have been coerced under torture also played a role in German trials (Das geplatzte "Land"), are in any case said to be imprisoned in Jordan, where they are being hoarded abroad according to the CIA’s own rules. Also there are said to be Abu Zubaydah and Hambali, who was arrested in Indonesia a year ago and is said to be behind attacks in the Philippines and the attack in Bali. Whether the detainees in the Jordanian secret camp, if the information is true, will be interrogated directly by CIA operatives or whether Jordanian intelligence operatives will do the dirty work (With a little help from my friends ….), is not known