The customer interview

An educational takeaway from 2003

Talking the talk is an art that can be learned, fortunately. For example, in the Bildungsverein Hannover, which was founded in 1981 as part of the alternative green movement "with the aim of developing an independent alternative adult education institution". In the meantime, this continuing education institution has established itself in the Hanover region, offers more than 48,000 hours of instruction per year, and has long since been able to hold its own against the classic adult education center.

So far, so good. And the motto of the association also sounds really good: "Social learning and communication". This is naturally also on the title of the new summer program, with which the education association now obviously wanted to reach a new clientele; namely people are addressed, who have the power to kundigen other people. Since to each good Entlang usually also a Kundigungsgesprach belongs, one can now there thus under "Vocational education" you can book a weekend seminar with the title: "Fair severance interviews with employees."

So far, so fair. But not at all fair, apparently, from the point of view of the educational association, life deals with the people who have the power to know others. "For those", it says in the explanations to the weekend seminar, "The people who have to make the announcement, such a conversation means overload and stress. Health consequences such as sleep disturbances and fear of incalculable reactions of the knowledgeable employee are frequently observed among personnel managers."

In short: There is a need for action. But not only on the mental side, but also on the financial side. Finally, after a "insufficiently prepared" Announcement "considerable costs before the labor court. Therefore, the professional preparation and execution of such talks is of particular importance."

So far, so important. But the most beautiful thing about this "independent alternative adult education institution(s)"-offer is the price. For the 13 lessons you pay only 62 €,­ Euro. And "recipients of social and unemployment benefits" The participants – as it is literally written in the program – even have to raise only 31 euros. And after this training you can sleep better, if you have to give notice to someone again.

But this sadly cynical final punch line supposedly has a serious background. As we have since learned from the educational association, the offer is also aimed at small projects, clubs and associations from the so-called non-profit sector. These, they say, were often led by volunteer board members, some of whom were unemployed themselves. And because this non-profit sector is increasingly affected by cutbacks in grants and jobs, an unemployed employer has sometimes been forced to make one of his employees redundant. So far, so dark.