Conversation in a mobile home

The future is entirely created by old people

‘The worst thing about the future,’ said a young friend of mine, ‘is that it’s so boring. It’s in the Sunday Times every week, and if you miss that it’s always on Tomorrow’s World or Discovery. What’s really interesting is the past. The guys just can’t get enough of it. Everyone I know is obsessed with shooting radar into the ground to find old tombs, digging up plague pits, reconstructing Roman cities, X-raying skulls, counting teeth…’

A typical young person’s view I thought, and I made the following reply.

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Sleeper in the system

Keyloggers compete with traditional phishing

Two spectacular online banking fraud series in Brazil and France point to a new potential danger especially for online bankers: keyloggers that secretly infiltrate computers and specifically record all online banking activities. Such spy programs are old hat in themselves. But the new snufflers can do more than their predecessors. Their programmers are apprenticed to the email phishers and fool their unsuspecting victims into believing that they are visiting the fake websites of their local banks.

parents use it to control their surfing offspring. Employers use them to secretly monitor the morale of their employees, and jealous contemporaries use them to monitor the chat and email activity of their partners. We are talking about keyloggers, those spy programs that are able to seamlessly log all user activities on the PC, save them and send them to the person who placed the agile software bugs in the victim’s computer. Cybercriminals are also increasingly using the handy little spy programs to sniff out the behavior of their unsuspecting victims – now also in online banking.

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Syria: war propaganda in the 21st. Century

Syria: war propaganda in the 21st century

A Syrian oppositionist, presumably from Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham, in a Turkish tank. Only since the Islamist militias started committing brutalities in the service of the Turkish military, the Western media woke up. Photo: Propaganda of the HTS-"Media agency"

Leaks from British Auben Ministry Confirm Allegations of Systematic Whitewashing of Armed Islamist Militias as Moderate Opposition

The label "moderate opposition" or "Rebels" as a collective name for the militias that wanted to bring about an Islamic state in Syria by force of arms, has lasted for a long time. It is only in the last few months that the term "rebel" has appeared in German, English or French reports "Islamist" or "jihadist" more often when it comes to these groupings.

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After the hamburg edeka attack: search for explanations and responsible persons

Image: ROverhate. License: CC0

Discussion about detention for those who have to leave the country and criteria for the classification of danger

After the asylum seeker Ahmad A. When a man stabbed a 50-year-old man to death in an Edeka supermarket in Hamburg-Barmbeck on Friday and subsequently injured another seven people, some of them seriously, media outlets such as the Hamburger Abendblatt spoke of a failure of the authorities. Among other things, they refer to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), which did not send the man, who entered Germany in 2015 via Scandinavia and Spain, back to Sweden, even though Sweden is part of the Dublin area and even though Ahmad A. had previously been resident there for so long that an interview with the Hamburg foreign office on 3. November was partly conducted in Swedish. The same question arises with regard to Spain, where he lived afterwards. It is possible that the BAMF failed to take such measures because the Palestinian, who was born in the United Arab Emirates, claimed to the authorities that he wanted to leave for the Gaza Strip and had papers ied by the representative office of the Palestinian autonomous authority in Berlin for this purpose.

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Unloved genetic engineering

Blair leans surprisingly the public prere of the critics; Documents show that the British government in terms "Frankenstein Food" was put under prere from the US government

In the run-up to an OECD conference on the safety of genuine food (a global organization for the control of biotechnology required), the British Prime Minister Tony Blair has a surprising turnaround in terms "Frankenstein Food" completed. Last year, he turned against the popular criticism of genetic engineering and acquainted in the United Kingdom, that he was happy and without concern to eating foods (Blair loves Genfood). But the mood in the country seems to speak against the attempt Blairs to let GeNbitahn in the future industries not to be influenced.

In an independent article, Blair on Sunday, that genuarescent foods could harm human health and the environment and that the concerns were entitled to the possibility of the potential risks. Although the potential benefits of genetic engineering as in medicine be considerable, his government was not unconditionally demanded: "The crucial word in terms of risks and opportunities is potentially. The potential for opportunities highlights why we were right, not the ture before gentleman foods or cereals without prior research. The potential for risks shows why we are right in fact very careful. And that’s exactly what we do."

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The first remote controlled war

In the Pakistani border areas, the war is being waged remotely with robots, partly for political reasons

The situation in Pakistan, especially in the areas bordering Afghanistan, is unclear and the country is increasingly becoming a powder keg. The government, under prere from the U.S. to bring the border areas under control and fight the militants, is trying a constant balancing act. Again and again, efforts are made to expel or retreat Taliban and other armed groups, which are also responsible for the resistance in Afghanistan, but on the other hand to rely on talks in order not to further destabilize the situation domestically.

After many years of the U.S. government and the Pentagon supporting and rousing the Pakistani government as an ally in the fight against terrorism, but the border areas continue to be a "Wild West" The US President Bush, the supreme commander, has reportedly ordered that troops on the ground and in the air are allowed to cross the border and attack targets in Pakistan. This has already happened at least once, prompting the Pakistani government and military to insist on sovereignty and announce that invading soldiers will be repelled as popular opposition grows.

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Schmidt and scholl-latour: a meeting of old men

Schmidt and scholl-latour: a meeting of old manners

Helmut Scvhmidt 2014. Image: Kleinschmidt/CC-BY-SA-3.0

Uninvited double call to one "wise statesman" and one "wise observer"

Now that Helmut Schmidt, after having helped to shape my life for more than forty years, is in the ground and the last strains of the state ceremony have faded away, I may dare, as perhaps the first historian, to say something less good about the dead man. I’ll say it frankly: I never liked him, the chancellor of the concrete era – the wiser and holier he became in old age, the less. Why not? This can be found here. The dogma I want to contradict is: Helmut Schmidt was wise, "the last statesman" (according to Der Spiegel), the last politician you could trust. Peter Scholl-Latour has been dead for a year already. Die beiden waren politisch uneins, aber in der Haltung ahnlich. The dogma about the latter is: Peter Scholl-Latour was an expert on Islam and a wise, because completely independent observer of world events.

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Russia accuses u.s. Troops in syria of cooperation with islamic state

Russia accuses us troops in syria of cooperation with islamic state

Record published by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In the race of Syrian troops and US-backed SDF units on the strategically important city of Deir-ez-Zor, the conflict between Russia and the US is intensifying

As has long been clear, the defeat and expulsion of the Islamic State in Syria does not lead to a resolution of the conflict. There is too much divergence between the geopolitical interests of the U.S. and Russia and their allied regional powers, which in turn are linked to Syrian parties on the ground (power poker in Syria). The conflict is currently dominated by Iran’s interest in building a land bridge to Lebanon through Iraq and Syria, which has met with strong opposition from the United States. In addition, the city is also strategically important in Syria, with oil wells in the surrounding area.

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The knight in woman vs. Darwin and chomsky

The knight in female vs. Darwin and chomsky

Tom Wolfe in the White House (2004). Image: White House / Susan Sterner

Notes on Tom Wolfe’s latest book: "The kingdom of language"

To begin with the Weiben suit. It was originally the trademark of the American literary phenom Mark Twain. Twain, hard on the verge of financial bankruptcy, had toured the world for years, making audiences laugh in sold-out sals. The man in the white suit standing on the stage was Mark Twain. Easy to identify. When he was photographed, he put on the weiben suit. A fresh. It is said that he owned more than one, namely 14 pieces, and every day he put on a new one.

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Hungary: energy cooperation with russia

Putin on state visit to Budapest – new supply agreement with Gazprom – Rosatom builds two reactor units

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Budapest at the invitation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to lay a wreath at a World War II memorial to the Red Army and to negotiate energy cooperation. According to Orban, a new contract for the supply of natural gas, which was agreed upon in the process, stipulates that in the future Hungary will only have to pay Gazprom for the amount of gas that is actually consumed there. This individual contract has been met with criticism, especially in Poland, where they wanted new energy supply agreements with Russia to be negotiated by the EU Commission, where Warsaw can have a say.

Already on 1. January 2015, a contract signed last year with Rosatom to build two new 1,200-megawatt reactor units to the Paksh nuclear power plant, scheduled to come on line in 2023, came into force. The twelve billion euros that this construction will cost will be financed to 80 percent with a Russian loan that must be repaid by 2045 with 4.5 to 4.9 percent interest.

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