Eta blasts basque peace process

ETA ended its ceasefire yesterday with a crude attack on the Madrid airport

What was feared by many has turned into reality faster than expected. With more than half a ton of explosives, the Basque underground organization ETA announced the end of the ceasefire it had been observing since March. It has thus dealt another heavy blow to the languishing peace process, which the Spanish government has now "suspended" was. Early Saturday, the bomb completely destroyed the parking garage at Terminal 4 of Madrid’s Barajas Airport. Three warning calls were received an hour before the attack, yet police apparently failed to clear the parking garage. Two people are missing, 24 were slightly injured.

Meanwhile, the regional government of the province of Madrid has declared that the Renault Traffic minibus parked in the parking garage was loaded with 500-800 kilograms of explosives. This is the only way to explain why the bomb brought down the entire parking garage. There are no further details about the explosives.

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A man of the church

The Christian Nazi opponent Hugolinus Dorr

The posthum of refined resistance of 20. July 1944 are known. The wife Rose also, Georg Elser and the Edelweibpiraten is already less. Hugolinus Dorr knows as good as nobody.

The life of Hugolinus Dorr acts today so strange on us like his name. A failed missionary? A small cycling against the coarse riders of the church hierarchy? A Christian antifashist? A German exilant of the 1940 is murdered in a French internment camp? – Parts of a biography still resisted a rapid overall access.

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Mischief on the desktop

The artist duo Jodi unleashes three sinister browsers on the PCs of Internet users

Believe that your computer is a rational machine? A number cruncher that automatically does what you tell it to do? Jodi want to prove the opposite. The computer art that the Dutch-Belgian art duo has created since 1995 transforms the PC into an unpredictable, frightening machine with a sinister life of its own.

When one views their website or downloads any of the software work they have produced in recent years, the art immediately begins to wreak havoc on the desktop. You see bits of text flying around. Fragments of the computer interface, which look as if they have been put through a meat grinder, float across the screen. Windows flickering around as if they wanted to play tag with the user. If the computer blows up? No, just a few lines of code running amok, don’t worry.

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Future of climate: from change to disaster to chaos

The future of climate: from change to catastrophe to chaos

What comes after climate change? – Part 3

Those who say that climate change has always existed on Earth and that people have had to adapt to changing climatic conditions for as long as they have existed mean a very slow process that is hardly noticeable to the individual person. Change can be so gradual that in retrospect of each life lived, the climate in one place appears stable. We do not want to talk about the fact that people remember more extreme events than the average, normal weather of most years and therefore think that winters used to be colder and summers warmer and sunnier.

The climate change that is happening all the time

Nature and human culture can automatically adapt to the normal, quite natural climate change. This is due to the fact that both the animal and plant world, as well as the human community, are to a certain extent constantly adapting to climate change "experiment"Animals and plants "dare" spread to other areas, people grow foreign grains and fruits, change their preferences for certain clothing and building styles, and so on. Some of it has success and remains, other fails and disappears again. This is how people and the environment react to gradual changes without realizing it.

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Four new cfcs discovered

Since 2010, the production of CFCs is prohibited, which destroys the ozone layer, but there are exceptions

Since the 1970s, it has been found that the release of fluorochlorocarbons (CFCs) is responsible for destroying the ozone layer in the atmosphere. It took some time until the use of CFCs reduced and finally banned after the Montreal Protocol since 2000 and has been prohibited since 2010. Thus, the World Society responds once to prevent its self-destruction. If the ozone layer is destroyed, hard UV radiation can be reached on the earth’s surface and the DNA of plants, animals and, of course, people harmful.

British Science of the University of East Anglia Under the direction of Johannes Laube, four new people made by people discovered in the atmosphere, which in turn devotes the life-protecting ozone layer. As you report in Nature Geoscience, 74.000 tonnes of three new CFCs and a new H-CFCC accumulated. So far, seven CFCs and six H-CFCs were known, which attack the ozone layer. Compared to emissions in the 1980s, which amounted to a million tonnes, the amount is relatively low.

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From the proof

German Filmstitut presents censorship project to the Weimar Republic

An interesting insight into the cultural policy of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich allows the German FilmStitut (DIF). After completion of his project "Forbidden pictures, manipulated films" It is now present on the Internet its edition of the censorship decisions of the Berlin Film Supporting site from the years 1920 to 1938.

Song: Love for one night, loyalty for one night!

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Culture of panic

In the meantime, the crisis produces its own aesthetics and takes possession of capitalist cultural production. Crisis of capitalism – part 8

My home is my castle, my car is my tank: to this denominator can be reduced the asthetic change that gives many new vehicle models of the car industry their downright vicious, predatory pragmatism – especially in the middle class and upper class segment. The new carts of middle class people, who could still get a fenced-in row house with a few square meters of lawn, visualize the increasing bashing and stabbing that will be necessary for this purpose. Nearly every new midsize sedan looks like it came out of a Batman movie. Black – formerly reserved for the cars of power mongers such as corporate executives, politicians or mafiosos – has become the most popular color of the middle class.

Part 7: Crisis global. An overview of crisis-related global dependencies and imbalances.

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