Brussels: pkk is no longer a terrorist organization, but a warring party

Brussel: pkk is no longer a terrorist organization, but a war party

Image: Kurdish Struggle/CC BY-2.0

This could open the way for a new peace process in the Kurdish question – if other European governments also follow the ruling

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK is not a "terrorist organization", but a party in an armed conflict. This was the final verdict of the Court of Cassation in Brussels on Tuesday, confirming the decision of the Court of Appeal in March 2019. The Court of Cassation is the supreme court of Belgium and thus the last instance in civil and criminal proceedings.

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Germans seem to be in favor of the jamaica coalition

Germans seem to favor jamaika coalition

In Austria, most people want an oVP-FPo coalition, which in Germany would be the equivalent of a coalition between the Union and AfD parties

In osterreich there was allowed to be a slide to the right over the weekend. According to the last poll, the FPo nor the oVP resp. catch up or overtake the Kurz party. SPo seems to have regained its footing after the scandal, but remains in third place with SPD-like scores of 23 percent, which would make a governing coalition with FPo difficult.

The majority believe that Kurz will win the election, and at 40 percent, most want an oVP-FPo coalition. Only 18 percent support a "Dirndl coalition" the oVP with the defeated Grunen and Neos, 17 percent were in favor of repeating the rough oVP-SPo coalition. But they are open fronts. The SPo, Grune and FPo have just voted against the oVP in favor of reforming unemployment assistance so that the partner’s income is no longer taken into account. There is general agreement between the red-blue-green coalition. The old left-right worldviews are increasingly faltering.

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Death of an unemployed man

The poverty of the unemployed is not an isolated case

After it became known a few days ago that an unemployed man died of starvation in his apartment in Speyer, Germany, the consternation has been. A 20 year old man, who lived with his 48 year old mother, died of malfunction of important organs caused by malnutrition. His mother is under medical treatment for malnutrition-related illnesses.

According to their information, the young man had been cared for by the social welfare office before the introduction of Hartz IV as part of a rehabilitation measure. This ended when the labor market reforms came into effect. The man was classified as able to work, had to apply for unemployment benefit II and was henceforth subjected to the system of demanding and demanding, which had been buried by the proponents of Hartz IV as a gain of personal responsibility and initiative. The death in Speyer showed once again what can happen to people who are unable to keep up with the competition of the fit, flexible and creative.

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The twitter prasident

Bernie Sanders has been offering unatisested Americans an alternative to Tea Party since Friday

Bernie Sanders was born in Brooklyn – what is still clear today. In 2006 he became Vermont as a party candidate for the state of Vermont, in which America is most sacred in the Senat.

In the beginning, Sanders outside Vermont was well known by providing himself as the only senator, the tabuization of the term enforced by the Republicans "socialism" to follow. Instead, he occupied him positive. But since last Friday, one knows the vehement advocate of a uniform health insurance throughout America. On this day, the Senator held a speech that many observers at the Filibustern of James Stewart in Frank Capras Film MR. Smith Goes to Washington reminded.

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The customer interview

An educational takeaway from 2003

Talking the talk is an art that can be learned, fortunately. For example, in the Bildungsverein Hannover, which was founded in 1981 as part of the alternative green movement "with the aim of developing an independent alternative adult education institution". In the meantime, this continuing education institution has established itself in the Hanover region, offers more than 48,000 hours of instruction per year, and has long since been able to hold its own against the classic adult education center.

So far, so good. And the motto of the association also sounds really good: "Social learning and communication". This is naturally also on the title of the new summer program, with which the education association now obviously wanted to reach a new clientele; namely people are addressed, who have the power to kundigen other people. Since to each good Entlang usually also a Kundigungsgesprach belongs, one can now there thus under "Vocational education" you can book a weekend seminar with the title: "Fair severance interviews with employees."

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Secret us camp in jordan

According to information, high-ranking al-Qaeda members are being held in a CIA camp in Jordan

The human rights organization Human Rights Watch has accused the U.S. government in a report of making political opponents disappear, just as Latin American military dictatorships do. Namely, 11 al-Qaida affiliates are known to be in U.S. custody, but there is no indication of where they are being held in the U.S. camp system, which is scattered around the world, or how they are being treated. According to the report of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, such a secret camp is supposed to be located in Jordan, as has been suspected for a long time.

Human Rights Watch’s report on U.S. disappearances "Disappearances" back into history. It refers to practices in Nazi Germany, but above all to the practice of military dictatorships in Latin America, partly supported by the United States, which kidnapped, secretly tortured and killed political opponents – and also justified themselves because they were fighting terrorists.

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Turkic intelligence agency mit is now under erdogan’s control

Turkic intelligence service with is now under erdogan's control

Mass spying by MIT in Germany

The Turkish president continues to expand his power. In the future, the secret service will be under the direct control of the Prasidial Office. In Germany, MIT (Milli Istihbarat Teskilati) relies on its moles in German institutions – primarily in the German police force. Also among the Turkish asylum seekers are senior police officials and dismissed employees of the MIT.

Erdogan’s fear of being pushed from the sultan’s throne must be enormous. More and more institutions are directly under Erdogan’s control, more and more civil servants are dismissed and replaced by loyal vassals. There are reports from media close to the government that the state religious authority Diyanet and the press relations are to be handed over directly to the President of the Republic.

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It gets dark

The story of the stars

Astronomers are delving deeper and deeper into the depths of space, and the data they collect is revealing more and more about the formation, growth and decay of stars. Now it appears that the peak of stellar births was reached five billion years ago. And it becomes darker and darker in the cosmos.

It is getting dark

Cat’s Paw Nebula, NGC 6334, a complex region of newly forming stars in the constellation Scorpio, Image: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

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Nap leaks, the theft of data from the bulgarian tax office, is declared cyberterrorism

Nap-leaks, the theft of data from the bulgarian tax office, is declared cyberterrorism

"Let’s stop Geschev, the new club". Image: F. Bull

Bulgaria’s prosecutor general-to-be declares opposition the mastermind of data GASP

Low-cost airlines bring more and more foreign travelers to Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. Even tourists who do not speak Bulgarian heard one word echoing down the central boulevard Vitosha last Monday evening, and they understood it: "Mafia, Mafia, Mafia!" chanted about two thousand demonstrators in front of the court palace. They protested against the election of the Deputy Prosecutor General Ivan Geschev as the future Prosecutor General, which, in their opinion, was imposed by the ruling class. In their eyes, he represents the rule of law hijacked by the oligarchy in Bulgaria, as does the acting Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov. The Balkan country lacks strong convictions of corrupt politicians, and police and prosecutors are suspected of arbitrarily criminalizing opposition circles.

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Theater 2.0

Berlin group searches the web for authors for a production

Web 2.0 meets play. This experiment, which is probably unique in Germany so far, is currently being tried by a Berlin theater group with the significant name Antigone 2.0. With a project in which everyone can participate via the net. The basis of the planned production is provided by Sophocles’ tragedy "Konig odipus", which is now to be edited, rewritten or expanded by interested parties on this site. According to the preserved Wikipedia principle. Registration is not required, by the way. And what will come out of it, of course, is still completely uncertain.

According to a press release, "It remains to be seen whether only the old language or also parts of the plot will be given a new face". Director Benedict Roeser’s concept revolves around the critical examination of knowledge. odipus, who uncovers his own misfortune through persistent research, is juxtaposed with the current practice of acquiring knowledge, which is changing at an accelerating pace through Internet services such as Wikipedia."

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