Are europe and north america entering menopause?

Summer heatwaves like 2003 are expected to become much more frequent toward the end of the century

In the current ie of the scientific journal Science, U.S. researchers publish a study according to which in the future increasingly intense and frequent periods of heat are to be expected both in Europe and in North America.

Geral’s A. Meehl and Claudia Tebaldi of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder examined climate data collected since 1961 to model future heat waves. They see clear signs of global climate change and note that, if greenhouse gas emissions remain constant in the 21st century, there will be no global warming. It is clear that in the twenty-first century there will be more intense and prolonged episodes of floatation in the regions of Europe and North America that were not accustomed to such heat shocks in the past.

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The global expansion of the crimean conflict

Turkey deports Syrian warplane and makes clear what consequences the fight for Ukraine could have

With the escalation of the conflict between Russia and the U.S. and the EU, it is no longer just about Ukraine and Crimea or the concerns of some neighboring countries like Poland or the Baltic states. Without Russia’s cooperation, the Middle East (primarily Syria and Iran) will become a more dangerous source of conflict, and Russia is also trying to take advantage of the withdrawal of Isaf troops in Afghanistan.

And China, which is under a similar fear of encirclement as Russia, is still keeping out of it (powder keg Asia). This does not have to continue. Meanwhile, North Korea provoked again over the weekend with tests of short-range missiles and is not impressed by criticism. However, this is also to be understood as a reaction to the military exercises now taking place by Sud Korean and US forces, to which North Korea has previously threatened with the atomic bomb (North Korea wants to "Super precision drones" own). It is already clear that without Russia (and perhaps China) nothing will happen in the Security Council and thus the United Nations will be paralyzed.

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If the drought continues, a summer of drought is imminent

If the drought continues, a drought summer threatens

Durresommer 2018; Bild: Andreas Schwarzkopf/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Commentary: How weather speculations become obsolete and play into the hands of the climate change deniers

"Threat of a new summer of drought?" At least the Tagesschau had put a question mark here. The Bild newspaper spared itself this and announced ominously: "Summer 2019 – Germany faces a new heat record". Many other media outlets had published similar articles in late April, quickly making the connection between climate change and the threat of drought in 2019.

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Spies fishing

Spies while fishing

Russian Gulf II-class submarine. (A sister ship of the K-129). Image: U.S. Navy

The intelligence fog around the CIA ship "Hughes Glomar Explorer" clears gradually

This January, the CIA for the first time released documents about the fabled "Project Azorian" In 1974, the American foreign intelligence service used a camouflaged special ship to recover a Russian submarine that had sunk under mysterious circumstances.000 m depth should have recovered. But one third of this summary report is still blacked out. Even if some questions remain unanswered, most of it has leaked out, though still not to the mainstream media.

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Islamization travemundes and the rule of reptiloids

Islamization Travemundes and the rule of reptiloids

YouTube and Co. – Our weekly telepolis video check

With a "Alright, dan" Let’s start today in the Kuhle weekend. And then recommend the immediate taking of our antidepressant of the week. Nonely different, the record-friendly blodish conspiracy theory does not endure, which an anonymous caller is short in the WDR broadcast "Domian" intended. And as the sender sat.1 is nothing blodeless enough to not be sent, sab this "Flat Erdler" a few days later in the breakfast television – this time not anonymous, but with full name. And the trained chef once again paid his stories of the world domination of reptiloids. Now only one appearance is missing at Markus Lanz. Videos and an emported text for this spinning there are here.

Speaking Spinner. Worried US burger and trump supports have set a video and a mesh page online, which should show how it looks after the victory of Islam in Germany. Pretty duster underwater, especially for beer drinkers. Both can be found here.

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Landesverrats-affare: attorney general ranges anger at maas

The expert of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office confirms in advance the assessment of the interception protection. The Federal Ministry of Justice instructs Range to stop the expert opinion

The expert commissioned by the Attorney General’s Office is back from his summer vacation, unexpectedly quickly, and causes dramatic effect in the political theater, to which the investigation for treason against

The unnamed outside expert retained by the Office of the Attorney General in the matter bamboozled the expert community with his assessment that the documents, which were released on 15. April on were published to "a state secret acts".

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Tsunami dangers in the north atlantic

The recent tsunami in the Solomon Islands is a reminder of a particularly destructive form of natural disaster that could well have occurred on our own doorstep

Early on Monday, the Solomon Islands were hit by a tidal wave, a tsunami, which caused severe devastation along the coasts of the western provinces of the South Pacific island nation. The trigger was a seaquake. The event has shocked the entire region, but it is also a reminder to coastal states around the globe of the dangers posed by what is happening at the bottom of the oceans of our troubled planet. Particularly on the Atlantic, where historical memories of past disasters are very weak, there are practically no precautions so far. This is all the more alarming because, in addition to plate tectonics, climate changes can also trigger tsunamis.

In the Solomon Islands, on Tuesday (local time), it was possible to have a general idea of the extent of the devastation. Several tsunamis with heights of up to ten meters hit the coastline in the west of the country. The waves were triggered by a seaquake of magnitude 8.1 on the open Richter scale, just off the coast of New Georgia, one of the islands of the rocky archipelago. At least 13 villages and larger parts of the town of Gizo, located just 50 kilometers from the epicenter, were destroyed. The number of dead was given as 24 by Radio New Zealand on Tuesday morning. Many people are still missing.

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Threatening bardemanover of chinese and vietnamese ships

Threatening bardemanover of chinese and vietnamese ships

Graphic: TP

Off the gas drilling platform of a Russian company in the South China Sea, the island dispute increases in sharpness

In the South China Sea, the dispute between China and Vietnam intensifies. The Vietnamese authorities granted the Russian energy company Rosneft a permit to explore the Lan Do gas field. This gas field lies within the so-called Nine-Dash Line – that is, within the maritime territory that China claims exclusively for itself. On the map below this area is marked with a red line. At the same time, however, it is also within the zone marked with a blue line, which Vietnam considers to be its maritime zone.

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Germany finances turkish occupation zone in northern syria

Germany finances Turkish occupation zone in Northern Syria

25 million euros from Germany for idlib

Germany’s support for Erdogan goes to the next round. It is hardly more than a week ago, when Chancellor’s attendant to Ankara of Turkey comprehensive support for escape lines in Northwest Syria.

In doing so, it took ethnic cleans and the change of demographic in northern and eastern Syria by the settlement of Arab-Matter, Sunni Syrians in the fields of self-government of North and East Syria by Turkey.

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The wind is changing

The wind is turning

After a week, the uproar over the actor’s #allesdichtmachen action has died down, the public debate is changing. A media commentary

The latest reactions to the actor action #allesdichtmachen show: quick emporia are followed by understanding and growing approval. More and more filmmakers in particular are showing solidarity with the actors, who are often attacked in an extremely rude manner on social networks, and are defending, if not the action itself, then the freedom of expression and integrity of those involved, including Jan Josef Liefers, Meret Becker, Wotan Wilke Mohring, Heike Makatsch, Ulrich Tukur, Ulrike Folkerts and Hanns Zischler.

Especially two reactions of the last days stand out: One was a commentary by the highly influential German producer Nico Hofmann in the Bild newspaper: "Absolutely indisputable", according to Hofmann, be "Broadcasting Council, who are now calling for occupational bans or death threats (…) a hate orgy (…) I think this is completely out of line and I also oppose it." to attack discourse participants in this way, "does not work at all. And certainly not in the democratic composite system".

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